One of the best things about Easter for me is being able to have the time to have a lovely brunch with family and friends, especially if we are lucky enough to catch the weather and eat outside on the deck before winter settles in.

The last few weeks have been a mad rush with cooking for the Sanya Ocean Racing Team and various other catering jobs, so tomorrow is family time to be savoured.

A proper Eggs Benidict is so easy to do and makes the occasion so special. I know that you can buy hollandaise in the shops these days, but now and again it’s really cool to make your own, trust me the taste makes the effort really worth it. Many people are put off making there own hollandaise by all the horror stories of how it can go wrong. To be honest all the chefs on TV will demonstrate how to make it by hand with a whisk in a bowl over boiling water and then as soon as the camera stops rolling and the kitchen door closes they will use the blender because it’s so easy and almost foolproof. Yes I know you’ve all just noticed the “almost”, let me explain, it is possible to make a hollandaise split but never fear all you need to do is drop a small ice cube in and whizz it again in the blender to bring it back to it’s former glory. See I told you it was easy.

Happy Easter to you all, enjoy you’re long weekend and also the changing of the season as we start to look at all the wonderful winter comfort foods that are to come over the next few months.

Eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon

Serves 2

2 English muffins

4 pieces ‘Aoraki’ smoked salmon

4 poached eggs (see below)

4 tablespoons ‘Quick Blender Hollandaise’ sauce (see below)


Split each muffin, toast and butter.  Cover each half with smoked salmon.  Top with a poached egg and a good dollop of hollandaise sauce.

Perfect Poached Eggs

Serves 1

2 very fresh, free-range eggs

Plenty of boiling water


Fill a large pan with water and bring to just below boiling.  Use a spoon to get the water moving in a gentle circle and break the eggs in.  Keep swirling the water gently while cooking the eggs – it may take up to 10 minutes.  Do not rush the process; otherwise the white will separate from the egg.

To check if the egg is cooked, lift gently with a slotted spoon and check that none of the white is still transparent; it should be fairly solid and plump around the yolk.

Quick Blender Hollandaise

Makes 600ml

175g butter

2 tablespoons wine vinegar

4 tablespoons lemon juice

6 large egg yolks

A large pinch of salt

6 rounded tablespoons fresh chives, snipped


Melt butter slowly in a small saucepan.  Place wine vinegar and lemon juice in another pan and bring to the boil.  Meanwhile blend egg yolks in a food processor or liquidiser, then – with the motor still running – gradually add the hot lemon and vinegar.  When the butter reaches the boil, trickle this in very slowly, with motor still running until it is all added and the sauce is thickened.  Stir in snipped chives.

Wine Match

What else with a late brunch but a bottle of bubbles, and why not the local option of the sparkly from Mortons in Katikati.

1 Comment

  1. Auth
    July 29, 2012

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    If you’re in the mood for eggs, the Jasper Omelette is excellent. It’s a cesehe omelette with corn, olives, jalapenos, and vegetarian bacon. Pairs wonderfully with the cayenne cheddar toast and coffee.

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