Plenti Consultancy offers a full professional service from an award winning Chef and successful businessman, Our approach is non-corporate and bold, led by Peter’s informal but direct approach. We identify problems and issues quickly and accurately, as a starting point for improvement.

Whether turning a business around or starting from scratch, the process requires faith, guts and confidence. We will assist you in the changes and challenges needed to get ahead and stand by you for the long term. After twenty years in the industry we have access to some of the finest brains from chefs to corporate leaders, food scientists to media specialists.

Our services include

  • Menu and recipe design and costing
  • Fresh food sourcing
  • Head Chef mentoring and staff training
  • Branding and restaurant development

As a cheftelevision presenterrecipe writerCook School owner and champion of local produce, I see food production through the eyes of the myriad of people – farmers, processors, hunters, butchers, fishmongers, retailers, transporters – who get food from the ocean, land and sky onto your plate.

I understand exactly what it takes in this industry to perform our jobs to the best of our ability. It is this depth and range of knowledge that fuels the Plenti Consultancy, not to mention some pretty good contacts built up over the past 20 years. Our highly experienced team of advisory consultants, industry experts and business leaders share what we know with clients to bring their food service up to our guaranteed levels of excellence.

We want to work with high-calibre businesses where food is an integral part, but not necessarily the main function of the company. Whether you are feeding staff or customers, producing food product or processing for export we could make a huge difference to your business. Whatever your needs, together we can achieve remarkable results. As a first step, please contact

Businesses who have previously or are currently using our consultancy services include:

  • The Hospitality Association
  • Tauranga Club
  • The Grace Hospital
  • Palmers Garden Centre Café
  • Plus other small cafes/restaurants within the Bay of Plenty

Full testimonials can be provided.

For further information, please email with your name, address, email address and telephone number along with a brief description of your requirements.

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